Pose 1: The first pose is inspired by a samurai in the middle of an action. The action pose is a jump in the air and appears to be cutting something down with bodily momentum displayed by the stretching and rotation of his torso. Similarly to how a boxer rotates their heel to transfer energy in a blow. To capture this action with a dummy rig was hard, as ‘human expression‘ is key, but I believe I captured it.

Pose 2 is to capture the essence of someone screaming in agony whilst on their knees. There is a lot of detail within the fingers and how they’re curled with a level of visible stiffness. Furthermore, we can see a ‘C curve’ with how the character is slowly slanted towards the top left.

Pose 3 has a nice angle where we can view a perspective from the left and right sides, allowing me to better capture the poser’s posture. We can see that there is an ‘s’ curve from the top of the head to the feet. It is very minimal and not exaggerated, however, it’s visible, and something I should focus on capturing.

Pose 4 is to capture a ‘c curve’ type pose in a squashed frontal perspective from a sitting position. We can visibly see the poser is quite relaxed and not tense, so everything should feel natural and not tense.

Pose 5 is an ‘s curve’ type pose, however in a jumping position in the air, meaning capturing the offset of gravity is key. The character will need to look effortless in its jump, similarly to how the ballet dancer almost has an essence of floating.

Pose 6 is a 3D animated character, therefore making the pose slightly less natural. I chose this pose as it is quite exaggerated, and would be a great way to see if I can capture this dance/stretch in action. Of course, the body proportions are different to scale, but the idea should still be transferable. We can clearly see a strong ‘c curve’ with the figure when following their body, and this is something I want to accomplish within mine as well. Lastly, because we can see the dancer is balanced on one foot with their toes only, with a wide stretch – this means the centre of gravity in the pose needs to make sense too, or else they will look like the leaning Tower of Pisa, which we want to avoid.