[Editing and Cinema] Research

Paul Wells suggests that ‘Animation as a form has predominantly been understood as a ‘cartoon’ medium, and largely been defined by the presence, and performance of Disney Animation from 1928 to the present day. It may be argued, therefore, that all other forms of animation may be addressed through the ways they relate to or… Continue reading [Editing and Cinema] Research

[12 principles of Animation]

The ’12 principles of animation’ is almost the key essence of life within the animation world. Almost everything seen in a single cell or frame follows one of the key ’12 principles of animation’. Understanding this fundamental value of animation allows you to almost animate anything, from human beings, dinosaurs, aliens, trees or even cubes.… Continue reading [12 principles of Animation]

[Editing and Cinema]

Editing within cinema is a ploy that the film and visual media industries use to better capture a story on screen. Editing is a compilation of multiple shots and scenes that are blended together in a homogenous way, it is essentially inseparable. Typically, when watching a film or animation of today, we have been more… Continue reading [Editing and Cinema]

[The Beginning]

The week begins with introductions and knowing my peers. A great way to begin, as networking will be a critical skill for future reference, as some of us may land similar jobs or even the same. It’s a skill I must master, as it’ll be an important one for the rest of my career. Our… Continue reading [The Beginning]